Before we participated in CDM, my husband is a major. We got married since 2011. Before joining CDM, I had to live in 2 army camps as an army family for more than 10 years.

The camp we used to live in still has no fire today. As for those in charge above, they keep all the money they get in their own pockets and don’t use it for the benefit of the army.

The camp only has a well. The water pipes were installed as a show and the water did not come. The water pipes were don’t use it often so, the water pipes break and cause a lot of damage. Normally, we have to use the well, but only on the days when officers come to check the military camp, they fill the water for all the people in the camp. In these days, we don’t need to use the well but the check officer goes back we again to use the.

We mainly depend on the rain water because Most of the water well is almost less. At night, we live many days in the darkness because the upper level does not arrange to get electricity for the military camp.

Once a month, all the uniforms given by the battalion and cut back from the salary were put in a bag and photographed. In Myanmar Military, start from captain level wife has chance to check other lower-level family house. I am very shy to check other people’s house because my husband position is concerned with him its not given to me. But in Myanmar Military, its look like traditions. Some officer’s wife forced to clean their houses to lower-level rank’s wife. When re-check the lower-level rank houses, they would carefully inspect the table, altar, etc., and if they found dust, they would start yelling to the lower-level rank’s wife and husband.

Even though my husband wanted to leave the army before the seizure of power, he only waited for a simple exit that spared his working years. After my husband participated in CDM, he contacted me. So, me and my son followed my husband wearing only one piece of clothing.
I was warmly welcomed in Ethnic Region. When I was in the army, I was stressed. There were things I had to do whether I wanted to or not. But now I have a peaceful life.

Yours respectfully,

Nan Lay (CDM major’s wife)

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