During the Burmese Spring Revolution, the Muslims who are still participating in the above ground and underground were able to continue fighting against the tyrant with the help of different religious comrades for more than three (3) years.
Even though they are of different faiths, the mosques in Yangon filled the water supply for the neighborhood during Nargis as help from Muslims. During the Covid-19 period, Nwe Aye Mosque also provided free oxygen tanks for Covid-19 patients. They also sold basic food items at low prices.
A legal scholar like U Ko Ni, who is a Muslim, was able to reveal the weaknesses of the 2008 law so that everyone could understand. U Ko Ni lost his life at the hands of military dictators, although he is an Islamic jurist,his value is inestimable in the minds of the Myanmar people. He was a Myanmar Muslim who stood up for the country and the people without fear of going to jail and not afraid of arrest. Although they have different religions, they are people who share the same desire to improve the country.
During the start Spring Revolution and the peaceful protests, Islamic women were often seen in the front row of the crowd wearing burqas. When they chose to take up arms against the terrorist army, Muslims actively participated in armed training to fight together. Living and sleeping with people of different religions was not much difficult for the Muslims, but for the food,there was a little difficult.
Young Muslims who were obsessed with religious teachings did not eat anything other than Hala, so there was difficulties for food. They had to try hard to live without abandoning the revolutionary activities from religion. And because of the support of the revolutionary forces, Muslim women were also able to participate in the Spring Revolution until the period of the revolution was over (3) years.
The revolutionary comrades who are revolutionizing the military dictatorship are those who can accept different religious views. They are fair-minded young people who can accept and understand different religious beliefs. People with progressive ideas. They even created quiet places to pray during the holy month of Ramadan. They also helped to keep Roza.
During the independence of Myanmar, there were Muslim martyrs like U Razat, and during the Spring Revolution, the role of Muslims in Myanmar is still important. The terrorist army used and will use all religions and all the people of the whole country as needed to stay in power. In 2017, it created a major religious conflict by killing Muslims. Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State’s Bu Thi daung area were burned and killed for no reason and made homeless.
In the big cities like Yangon and Mandalay, the army used to create plots to burn mosques with the idea of creating a major religious conflict. Successive military dictators have used Islams as weapons to create a major religious conflict, but currently Islams are being used in (2) ways. In the fight for the interests of the dictator, the direct method of using the form of a human shields, and the indirect method of using the form of a religious antagonism.
It was found that the terrorist army, which is losing the war in the whole country, gave Muslims from the Rohingya refugee camp in Rakhine State short-term military training and used them as human shields in the battle with the Rakhine Army. An Islamic youth in Mhawbi Township was also taken to serve in the military, discriminated against during military training, and tortured until he passed away. These are Muslims who are directly used in the war for the terrorist army.
Although there are discrimination against Muslims and only forced to use, by the terrorist army, the revolutionary forces worked together in the Spring Revolution regardless of religion/ethnicity. It is a symbol of the participation of all classes of youth/adults,all ethnicities and students in order to build a future Myanmar nation.
Muslims also took part in the spring revolution. People of different ethnicities have also joined the revolution, and they are struggling with the mentality that they will win this round. Therefore, at the end of this spring revolution, it is certain that religious/racial discrimination will be completely free.