Current situations of Myanmar Military or Failing Junta

Hein Soe,former soldier of myanmar army,told about the current situations of Junta and how that detectors failing day by day.Hein Soe is the one who is forcely made to join myanmar army and now he left form Junta Army and told about the Junta as long as he knows.You can listen it on our Breaking

Rescue form flood in Pyin-Oo-Lwin or Worthless organizing of Myanmar Junta.

13m Our channel broadcasted about the discussion of CDM Soldiers Chan Min and Maung Yay Khal how Junta brainwashed all the citizens as the ones who always help the people but actually they are tge ones who make to be danger the people.You can listen about that on our Breaking Brainwashed YouTube Channel.

“Be clever or be aware of existing circumstances”

There is something watermelon from Tatmadaw warn us. Although everyone already know that,he want to warn for being more carelesss.In some places,myanmar military ordered not to ride two people on one bike.But some are still riding two. Although the guard soldiers don’t shot, they check and ask some questions when they saw two people on

How Myanmar Military brainwashed about Ethnic Armed Organizations(EAOs)?

Among the brainwashing of Tatmadaw, The one about Ethnicity is also famous.I had experienced that brainwashing to hate ethnicity each others when I was in army before joining CDM movement. I had experienced that brainwashing to misunderstand the ethnic revolutionary groups likeKachin,Kayin,Rakhine,Shan as our enemy.They define that ethnic revolutionary groups as terrorist. We were brainwashed