The headquarters I was stationed at was in Hein Ze, Dawei and close to the village. Nearby villages were Kadaik, ThaeChaung, and Ohn Pin Kwin.
Our trouble started when the army staged the coup. The securities have fire drills and battle drills every day. In the beginning, we only needed to patrol the base in turns. Later, under reasons of security concerns over increasing protests, policewomen were also ordered to stand guard at the residents together with officers.
Soldiers were armed with loaded guns and ordered for ambush patrol and the policewomen were also assigned in groups for various positions. Eventually, things escalated and guns were given to policewomen. They were enthusiastic after watching “Ou Ko Mone Ywae Phyote Khae Thi”(Removed balls because hated them) or “Sit Ko Mone Ywae TIie Khae Thi”(Fought in war because hated it) or something like that broadcasted on “MRTV” and “MWD”.
One of the policewomen was the know-it-all troublemaker I had told you before. When they got their guns, those who were timid kept theirs at home. When she found out about it, she started lecturing about it because it was in her genes.
One night, when the policewomen were chit-chatting, eh, I meant guard duty, she went to them with her gun, BA 94, and showed them how to prime and load a gun.
She was declaiming, “Like hit, mount, open, prime, release, fire” and shot the gun accidentally.
“Oh, my lord!”
“Holy cow!”
“Lord help me!”, the policewomen exclaimed as they were startled by the gunshot.
The officers stationed at headquarters heard the gunshot from her gun. Our commander and the captain of military intelligence come rushing to the residential area with the other 5 soldiers, fully armed.
When they arrived, the commander asked, “What happened? Is everyone ok?”
Our troublemaker said, “ I saw something in the forest, so I shot towards it. I think I hit something” to cover her mistake.
So, our commander ordered us,” Really? Then, we must look into this. Captain, form teams and go search where she said and the surrounding. We might get their weapon too.”
All of us had to get into groups and go look into the forest at night where there could be snakes.
We were in the forest till morning but we found nothing. Our captain who knows about the troublemaker was suspicious and found out the truth when he interrogated her.
She was trembling while talking about how she misfired. We had to overwork the whole night because of her. I mean no one at the base was a coward. Trust me. We were just startled. That’s all. Or at least that’s how we tell ourselves.
The commander’s face with red anger when she told her, “Yeah, yeah, Miss Troublemaker. You are always in the centre of trouble, aren’t you? Now, I have already told the uppers about this. Would it hurt you to tell the truth from the start?” She just sat there innocently as if she doesn’t know anything.
Second-class military staff (G2) from Operation and Training arrived at our base not long after the accident and inquired about the case. Our commander didn’t tell to explain the truth so he also had to lie as she did.
After listening, the G2 officer said, “I am surprised by how brave these women are. They got my respect. We can’t do anything about hit or miss. But I am sure they won’t dare come again after this.”
He also praised our troublemaker and went back. He reported this back to the director. After that, in every meeting, they talk about the incident and praised her. Those who know the real story weren’t so happy about it.
There were lots of blunders in the military and those who don’t know the truth thought how brave or good their military is. The point of my story is to demonstrate this.
So, don’t be impressed or intimidated just because someone got a medal of honour or appraisal.
Lots of them were in deep sleep during base battles and get treated as a hero.
Htun Zaw Myat (Navy CDM)
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