9th grade student on the honorable list the army spread widely under the headline “about a young boy fighting with a gun”. It was during the Battle of Northern Shan that when the revolutionary forces attacked a battalion of the military council that was preparing for defense, many soldiers and their family members were killed. At this time, it was about a 15-year-old child which was attend a 9th-grade of a soldier’s son who “pulled a gun and fought with his parents.”
What I want to say here is that the revolutionary forces in 2021 since the military council seized power, they have repeatedly requested to do CDM and the civilians are accepting and welcoming them till yet. But until now, they did not stand on the side of the people and when they died in the battles their children were orphaned, the children of the soldier’s family members who were left behind were given honorable and molded into what they wanted. Instead of the lower rank soldier’s son (9th grade student) on the honorable list, if they were the children of military generals, they wouldn’t have to live like this.
According to the CTFMR, the military council returned minor children 16 times from 2015-2016, and the total number of underage child soldiers was about 1,006. Nowadays, when the strength of the army is reduced, there will definitely be many new recruitment issues. In the current situation, when there is no one to join to army, the children of military family members who are not old enough have become used for propaganda by the military.
Another incident was a 10-year-old girl who was army hospitalized with her mother at the beginning of December during the 1027 operation. During the battle, “the mother was wounded in the hand and thigh, so the children was pull the trigger let her mother can shoot the gun, and the blood of his father was full on her,” military lobby are written like that. What need to know here is that I saw the lack of intelligence of the parents and the ruling generals who dragged the children out of the army and dragged them into the middle of the battle.
In this regard, the question is, what is the result of the soldiers’ children who are fighting with their lives to obtain the “honorable prizes? On November 26, MNDAA and allied forces attacked the 567 & 568 Light Infantry battalions stationed in Nam Sa Larp. Soldiers and their wives were dead in the battle. The children left behind are orphans. At this time, the Military Council irresponsibly sent the children of soldiers to an orphanage in Lashio. It is reported that the rights of soldiers, such as life insurance were not given to the surviving children.
These are real facts inside the army.
Although I don’t know how the soldiers who are the parents feel about using the children of the army family like this. This is destroying the future of their children. Even if they didn’t do CDM because of lack of knowledge, they should move their children outside the army. When the losses of lower-ranking soldiers increased, the wives of fallen soldiers’ national ID, household registration had not yet been issued, and the battalion was made to stand guard with a gun. Finally, I would like to let the military families know that the children of soldiers who are not yet old enough are already used by generals.
Yours sincerely,
Naung Yoe