Northern Shan State on November 17th, the military council’s new camp security hill in Namhkham Township. The TNLA’s information department reported on November 18th that the Taaung National Liberation Army (TNLA) was able to attack and capture the area at night.

When the TNLA deployed the security hill of the new Namkham camp. In the morning of November 18th, the military council carried out chemical bomb attacks because of the chemical bomb attack. Some of the TNLA comrades were poisoned and were dizzy without any injuries on their bodies. breathing fast, feeling nauseous, Excited and quick, tired, because they are suffering from the lack of oxygen, the type of chemical bomb is still being verified, TNLA said.

Currently, due to the offensive of the revolutionary people from all over the country, the military council army is the most affected. The military, which has suffered so much, is preparing to test chemical weapons. According to military sources, they are trying to produce. To give the most obvious example, “The chemical department of the Defense Service Science Technology Reach Center has been testing a “light-gas gun” since 2015,” said a person who made CDM in that army. The “light-gas gun” is being tested and manufactured in Singapore and Myanmar in ASEAN countries. And faster than sound. As it is still being tested, the effective effect will be known for sure when it is used in battles,” said the CDMer. This is the process by which the military council is trying to produce chemical weapons, and it is the way to start using them.

In addition, even before the seizure of power in 2020, at Flying Training Base Command (Shante Air base) chemical bombs, incendiary bomb There are things that have been done with some Chinese experts to be able to attach and use cluster bombs. Airplanes prepared to hang a normal bomb, chemical bomb, bomb hook to hang a series of bombs, it means preparing electricity etc.

There is another evidence that the military council is using such inhumane weapons. This is the incendiary bomb that was tested and manufactured in Meiktila (Shante) Air base in 2018. At that time, Shante air base chief was General Tun Aung (currently Chief of Air Force General Tun Aung) was the commander of the Meiktila (Shante) Air Force headquarters. The munitions that will be used to make incendiary bombs were delivered to the air force from the defense equipment factory. The Air Force produced incendiary bombs. Currently, air forces around the country can produce incendiary bombs by themselves. It is used practically in battles. This incendiary bomb is also a type of chemical bomb.

Another thing is that chemical bombs to be used by the Military Council Air Force are also being tested and produced at the No. 21 Defense Equipment Factory (Seikphyu). These are as far as information is concerned. The current chemical bomb attack on ethnic areas, take a soil sample from the place where the chemical bomb was dropped, analyze it and release it, it would prove the war council’s wickedness even more.

Nuclear weapons We all know that the United Nations and other international organizations have prohibited the use of biological and chemical weapons. Due to the bomb used by Military on the civilians and TNLA forces, the body did not receive any injury, but became dizzy, breathing fast, feeling nauseous, excited and quick, tired, it can be said that “sarin gas” was used because the people were suffering from severe lack of oxygen.

At the moment, it seems that the revolutionary forces are able to dodge a normal bomb. Therefore, knowing more about the chemical bomb that the military may use again helps protect the military’s actions.

The effects of a chemical bomb are more common due to inhalation and exposure to the environment where the chemical bomb was dropped. The army’s chemical bomb there is no need to fear the use of inhuman weapons. by knowing that, the entire revolutionary people will be able to protect themselves more.

Yours Sincerely,
Naung Yoe

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