During the Spring Revolution, all the participants were truth-loving people who did not want a dictatorship and were working hard in any way they could. As for the revolutionary forces, they all are locomotive trains, so the military council has no organization to target and have to attack the entire country. As the whole country is fighting, we can see that the military council is struggling with all its might.
At the beginning of the revolution, the military council executed Ko Zeya Thaw as an important leader of the urban guerrilla groups. However, as expected by the military council, the urban guerrilla group has not stopped and is still growing stronger. The revolution will continue to be strong because it is not being fought and led by one individual against a terrorist army.
The peacefully protests forces are also being brutally killed by the military as a war crime, but the it hasn’t stopped yet because who everyone have the ability to lead. No matter how the terrorist army is suppressed, new leaders and revolutionary forces are still strong.
Since the beginning of the revolution, some prominent leaders of the revolutionary forces were killed in battles, but the fighting did not even have time to stop. Even though there are fallen leaders in Karen State, the revolutionary forces are still able to control the areas with success until now. Only the military council’s camps are being lost one by one, and it is becoming chaotic and surrendered with the white flags.
In areas controlled by ethnic groups, the relevant leaders are taking responsibility and fighting until the terrorist army is completely vanished. The Kachin ethnic revolutionary forces led by General Guan Maw were able to capture many military bases, so the military council didn’t even have time to spread propaganda and lies. Sein Lone, a strategic military camp dominated by the terrorist army for more than 60 years, was seized on April 1, and many other military council camps have already been cleared.
For the Kokang areas, the MNDAA forces are fighting the military council and doing administrative, judgement, while the TNLA is fighting for the liberation of the Palaung area with a good force and has already started administrative development. In Northern Shan State, the military free areas, the areas gained during the 1027 operation of the spring revolution, were achieved in days and months and beyond what I had ever dreamed of.
Among the ethnic armed leaders, General Tun Myat Naing, who is the Commander-in-Chief of Arakan Army, is the one who has shown that he is worthy the trust of the Rakhine people. In a few years, the war council could be quickly defeated, and Araka’s dream could be gradually brought to life.
In the central provinces, starting with Magway, Mandalay Division and Sagaing Division, which are designated as the territory of Burmese ethnic groups, many revolutionary armed groups are fighting against the military council, which has never been seen before. Because of the terrorist army’s raids and destructions, every city, Each village has its own leader and small groups fighting against the terrorist army.
For the terrorist army, they have to surrender territory not only in the ethnic areas but also the upper regions, where there are many small groups, have weak territorial control and only control the famous cities. Although the revolutionary forces did not take over the cities in the central and southern regions, they gained control over the territory.The worst situation for the military council is that there is no one person in charge, such as the leader, or because there is no specific area, such as the headquarters, it is a situation where the everything and everyone are dangerous, and they do not know what to do. The revolution will not stop because of the brutality of the military dictators.
For battle field, the whole country is fighting against the military council, so the whole country is enemy territory for the military council. The monastery is an enemy territory for the army. The school is enemy territory for the army. Because the whole country is fighting together with the goal of bringing down the army, the army is not reliable both outside and inside the army.
The revolutionary armed forces are relentlessly attacking the terrorist army every day with all the strength and power they have. Armed groups have to be formed in every region to fight against the terrorist army, so in addition to the ethnic armed groups, the country-wide armed groups have already taken their place.
Because everyone is the leader, attacking the terrorist army from all over the place at any time is an advantage for the revolution. Although we can hit hard like a boxing match, we needs a knockout punch for a strong opponent. It is now necessary for the revolutionary forces to be more organized and strategic to attack the military council as a countermeasure.
If we all fight together, it will be the best time to be free for the ethnic groups that have been waiting for more than 70 years. In any case, at the present time, it is certain that the time has come for the final showdown to be used beautifully to bring down the terrorist army.