Cooking class opened by blooming padauk – Padauk Phue Organization

Since the establishment of the Blooming Padauk – Padauk Phue organization, vocational education courses have been opened for CDMers.Culinary training is one of the courses opened as a vocational education.As CDM heroes who have a passion for cooking, it was opened with the aim of being a supporter in life with a thorough understanding of

Sewing class opened by blooming padauk – Padauk Phue Organization

For women who have participated in CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement), when thinking about a business to support themselves, they mostly think about learning sewing, which is a vocational skill. However, it is not easy to find a personal device, other necessary materials, and someone to teach. Therefore, a tailoring course was opened from Blooming Padauk

The basic food items sent and donated by the overseas Christian missionaries

The basic food items sent and donated by the overseas Christian missionaries through the Blooming Padauk – Padauk Phue organization were gratefully received again. It was distributed to 68 households which was participated in CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) that had pre-registered for basic food. Burmese Versionပိတောက်ဖူးအဖွဲ့မှ တဆင့် ပြည်ပခရစ်ယာန်သာသနာပြုများမှ ပေးပို့လှူဒါန်းသည့် အခြေခံစားသောက်ကုန်များအား ကျေးဇူးတင်စွာဖြင့် ထပ်မံလက်ခံရရှိခဲ့ပါတယ်။အခြေခံစားသောက်ကုန်အတွက် ကြိုတင်စာရင်းပေးထားသော CDM အိမ်ထောင်စု

The second day of knitting and embroidery class

Burmese Versionချည်ထိုးပန်းထိုးသင်တန်းရဲ့ ဒုတိယနေ့သင်တန်းသူများရဲ့ လက်ရာများကို တင်ပြလိုက်ရပါတယ်။မြန်မာ့ဒီမိုကရေစီအရေးအတွက် ပါဝင်ခဲ့ကြသူအမျိုးသမီးများအတွက် အသက်မွေးဝမ်းကျောင်းပညာရပ်များကို မကြာခန ထပ်မံဖွင့်လှစ်ပေးသွားအုန်းမှာဖြစ်ပါတယ်။

Activities on the first day of the knitting and embroidery course

Today is the first day of the knitting and embroidery course organized and opened by Blooming Padauk (Padauk Phue). Today, the trainer taught the trainees how to do basic embroidery. We are able to present pictures of the participants learning with enthusiasm. Vocational courses will soon be opened again for women who have participated in

Supported school fees for children by Blooming Padauk – Padauk Phue Organization

Children are the foundation of the future, so education is essential for children to learn. In order to help the children of Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) family members and the children of activists who had against the Military coup for study, school expenses were provided at the beginning of the school year. In this time,