Generals Also Fear the Drone

Where are drones used? Does SAC use drones? Yes, they do. Where? What happens in using drones? Well, they give out a drone to each battalion for reconnaissance and scouting where it is dangerous to go on foot, for locating enemies. Who handles the drone? In each battalion, they chose an officer to pilot it.


The Military’s strategy for capturing a base is to use artillery first before using ground troops.Then they will send light infantry battalions and other ground battalions charging to the bombarded base. If that fails, they will fall back and use artillery again. Then they start all over. They never considered the lives that were lost

Ended up to buy eggs, no shrimps and fish

Once I was a new graduate officer in Pinne Taw camp. The camp was built near the entrance of Pinne Taw village (meaning Jade Fruit Farm Village). The village had about seventy houses. The village head was a Kayin woman. We call her Amoe the Chief (Mom, the village chief). It was always good to

Enjoy the Beef Till to the Full!

As usual, I received an order stating which day and place to go to the front line. On next day, a departmental meeting was held under the chairmanship of the battalion commander, listing the army personals as the preparations for the front line, assigning responsibilities to those who will be left behind.The exact date is

The true story I know of the incidence at Ahlawbum

We all know the Ahlawbum battle in which KIA conquered the military base. I don’t think we know the same things though. I know the truth I was positioned there. Ahlawbum is a very remote place it is hard even to send reinforcements. It was built just before the Myanmar-Chinese border. At that base, a