I got back in touch with a senior who was in close to me in Tatmadaw before joining CDM movement.
I was so happy when I got back in touch with him because we were in close like families since I was in Tatmadaw.It took about some hours talking on phone with him and also with his wife and children.
He said,”You can stay as long without contacting, Sir”.”We are talking about you everyday and we are waiting you to contact us,Sir”. “We are worrying you,Sir”.However,it was like I get back the warmth of family.
His wife asked me where I am with phone and she ever reached there on lunch time with a bowl of curry.
Now,she asked me”Is there someone who cooks for you? We are always remembering you when eat Nga-Pi-Yae and Thot-Saya.”. “As our business is not good,we have to eat that as always.That’s why,we are always remembering you,Sir. “. And she told me to take care myself again and again as she told a child.
When I was in Tatmadaw,I always give money for them to eat well.Able to eat meat and fish as always,I ordered them, “I want to eat meat. ” and we ate together.I cannot forget the taste of her extra dush,”Nga-Pi-Chat’. “.
Although he and his wife know that I did CDM,their children didn’t know about that.
So,they told me,”It is too long that you went for this time.Bought sea foods when you come back,Sir,we want to eat. “
For the lower tire families from Tatmadaw,sea food is the one they cannot effort.
However,I feel good as they had ever been eaten that because of me.
But I feel sorry for them as they are waiting for me not knowing I ain’t going back there.
Then,me and my senior told each other about our memories like the school fees of his child,I gave him money for his youngest baby birth by saying ”You have to pay back” as I don’t want him to feel sick.And I also helped him as long as I can to pay back his debt and able to open a small shop.
He repeatedly said “Thank You” for those.
You can say as I am proud for myself.But I always think how can I help others and my surrounding wherever I am.But,it is not that I was only good.
They were also good for me and even treated me like a real family member.
And he said,
“I still can’t believe that the one like you did CDM.” and I said him back,”Oh…,Do you can still believe Tatmadaw’s actions for now and along your soldier life.”
And he said,”It is ture,Sir.I didn’t even imagine the situations like now.”. And he continue said,”We were different attitude with the families outside.As you taught me,I know well about what is called ”Civilians”. Thanks You,Sir for that.Don’t worry,Sir.In every situation,I will not be the one who will be danger for Civilian. I promise you,Sir. “
Here,I want to say thanks to him.I feel like families till now.And I give my respect to his attitude.
I believe that there are many soldiers like them who are not easy to stand together with us by thinking about thier age,living conditions and families.
I said him,”However, try your best,Sir.I am always here for you.Think carefully about your family and children and then decide the best for you.And it comes the time when you’ll be sure,let make works together like before. “.
And he said me,”I believe you,Sir. Please keep in touch with us and you are always my BoGyi,Sir. “
When we finished talking,I felt something sorry in my mind.I was not sure that I was sad or sorry or angry or something.
I believe that there are many soldiers like them who have good attitude left in Tatmadaw.I will be trying them to stand together with us,our civilians.
I will pull out that good ones from the broken Tatmadaw Society.I will try in various ways to be the one who can take reponsibility for them.
I’ll try my best.
When the dictators goes crazy about their Powers,the lower peoples are in danger.
Thanks You.
Htet Myat
Translated to English by KZH
ma thet
Saw Malar
Nyi Nyi Min
Aye Myat
min khaing oo
Ko Z
UNyilynn oo
Rachel Wint