Although it has been almost 3 years since the revolution, today it can be said that the spring revolution has been successful to some extent. The strength of the People’s Revolutionary Forces across the country, the percentage of possessing full-capacity weapons and the ability to dominate the territory have improved significantly compared to the previous two years. It is known to the people that they are still with the revolutionaries until today.
Although there have been major national issues for the sake of democracy against the military dictatorship, but due to the lack of information flow and the lack of technological progress, the military dictatorship system was not able to be definitively put to an end.
However, in the recent military coup, like in the past, the people did not remain calm for a year or two. In other words, they are celebrating the armed revolution, which is the highest level of revolutions.
The Mandalay PDF, which depicts the military activities between Mandalay and Shan State, is one of the best examples of the People’s Defense Forces that have become fully capable. The Mandalay PDF is a force formed under the guidance of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and is also a force that conducts military operations between Mandalay and Shan State.
The Mandalay PDF, which was not noticed by the revolutionary people due to its lack of activity from the time of the coup until early 2022, on April 5, 2022, attacked the army in the vicinity of Kho Ywar Village, Nungcho Township, under the name of Operation” Thapyay Nyo”, and was able to achieve considerable military gains. During the 20-day battle that began on April 5, known as Operation “Thapyay Nyo”, more than 40 soldiers were killed on the side of the military council, and senior positions such as the deputy battalion commander were cleared, Mandalay PDF reported.
One of the distinctive features of the “Thapyay Nyo” operation was that the revolutionary forces did not attack the army in a guerilla style as before, but fought for more than 20 days in the form of a conventional battle.
Myanmar military observers have predicted that the Mandalay PDF’s “Thapyay Nyo” operation may be an operation designed to assess the capabilities of its own forces and the state of the army, and predict that this could lead to further intensification of battles.
As predicted by military analysts, in July, the Mandalay PDF announced the launch of an operation called the “Kanung” Operation, and announced that operations would be planned not only between Mandalay and Shan State as before, but also within the city of Mandalay. Within the first three months after the operation was announced, 2 army captains, A platoon leader It was announced that a deputy platoon commander and 76 soldiers were cleared.
After the announcement of Mandalay PDF, even in August, the military council troops are preparing to protect Mandalay city and all the routes that can enter Mandalay through the strong areas of the revolution, using more force than before.
Just like Mandalay PDF, all the revolutionary forces in other regions are trying to recapture their own cities, so in the not-too-distant future the city capture battles that will cause the military council to take place simultaneously can be said to have achieved a great revolution.
During the spring revolution, all the armed organizations that were defending themselves were organizing, even though we are fighting and organizing, we all know that the battles are successful. Other PDF groups like Mandalay PDF, Ethnic armed resistance forces, It was reported that the people will have to celebrate the victory at an unexpected time because all the local People’s Defense Forces are revolutionizing the military dictator at a good speed.
Yours sincerely,
Chan Min