I was talking yesterday with a friend who went to CDM in the army before me, and we were talkedabout things in the army. Funny, sad events, All of unpleasant events.While saying so because of the context,we talked about the officers who were investigated and punished for drug dealing from our army.

At that time, as far as I can remember, there were more than ten officers, only the officers were examined and punished in a group.The Criminal Police Department reported to the commander that the army was selling drugs and using them, and they went in and arrested them.Let me tell you a little about our army.Our army is a technical army led by a general.There are nearly 2,000 officers, so their behavior and all kinds of crimes are seen as neutral.Although it is elegant with a flower on the outside of the shoulder,woman case,
medical case I seen that it is full of financial affairs.

If I have to say further, on the morning of the day of the raid and arrest, there was no water in the officer’s dormitory,
I was instructed by the department to leave the room doors unlocked.About the time the officers went to the office, the officer’s room was searched by the drug squad and the commander.

As far as I know, they don’t even have to look for anything.They found all the WY pills and other illegal drugs in the box of clothes.That’s not all,That official also kept a list of the names of other officials who bought from him on the table.

It seems that the other officers bought from him on credit, as the normal salary of the army has been exhausted for more than 10 days.There is a large number in that list.The commander appeared in front of the police team with a list saying that his army was selling drugs on a large scale and that there were many people who used them.If this news reaches the upper class, he will not be easy,they will going to call him one by one and scold him.I know that if the army led by a general were to be scolded for being in such chaos,he know he would not easy.After the search, it turned out to be a drug case, but because they were soldier, he had to be court-martialled, so he left as soon as the police arrested him.As soon as the police teams returned, the commander was embarrassed and all the officers began to drag him to the central guard.As it is customary for adults in the army, I had no skills, so I began to be crushed to death by misbehaving with the people below.

Where did you buy the drug sales officer?
he asked them about distribution, who else who is not on the list, and so on.
Compiled a list of people as far as I could finally identify, and there were a total of over twenty people.If he present to above truth to so many people, he will surely slander of the above.

I don’t know how the last commander did it.
When the list came out to be prosecuted and jailed, the selling officer and another two faceless officers with no background who bought from him came out of the total to three.List of the remaining 18 officers
he hide it.

The background of all those officers have.
One of them is the second general’s son.
Since the crime, his father has been paying tribute to the commander every day with various gifts.The officer was only kept out of the center for two days, and the next day he just went back to the dormitory.
How bad it is that the case is not over yet, and the rest of the officers are still out of the center.He’s even back on leave.Because of that even if he is an officer in the army, the background
believe that if you don’t have a background, you get a small face.

If it’s another level, don’t tell, they attitude as a servant.Comrade mentality is only written in a letter that is good to read. There are very few officers out there who are willing to do that.So the officers without any background, Be sure to consider other steps.

You should feel painful for the army that treats you like a slave.So, not long after the case was over, General Son moved to the civil company U Paing with the support of his father, and now he was eating the profits of U Paing for those who have been out of it, and he was drink & drunk.

Chan Min (CDM Sergeant)

Translated by Eddie

Comments (14)

  1. kawhmu


    Good Informarion.
    Nice News.

  2. Aye Aye Aung


    များများ ကလစ်ကြပါစို့

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