“Shoot the gun,my love…I will check the bullets… Together we will take a place in the shooting pit with the strong spirit of not letting touch the motherland until there is only one bullet left… I will be by your side…”
After reading this,Although it seems like a pleasure for those who don’t know, Who is the author behind the scenes? In fact, the military family members themselves know best what the soldiers and their family members have to do.
“Shoot the gun my love,I will check the bullets.” Currently, what they are actually doing in the army is that the soldier is in the front line where he can die day or night, the women(wives of soldiers) in the back line are digging trenches(communication ditch) around the battalion during the day, and at night the women including battalion commander’s wife and the deputy battalion commander’s wife have to guard at the battalion gates carrying toddlers.
In fact,when the revolutionary forces attack the military junta battalions,even the light infantry soldiers and heavy infantry soldiers who are brave enough to fight are fleeing to China, Thailand, India and Bangladesh for their own lives. I can’t even imagine the life of women with children in the back row.(Although the revolutionary forces won’t harm unarmed people and children)
The soldiers’ wives who have external knowledge and know the true situation, wanted to get out of the army and tried to stay outside the military camp. But they were ordered by their husbands to return to the army. When they returned to the army, their IDs and census are kept by the army. If you leave the army without IDs, you will not be able to go whenever you want to go nowadays.
So you stay in the army. When the revolutionary forces attack the battalion, you fight back and survive(that’s relief).If both parents, a soldier and his wife lose in battle, as a result, the children will become helpless orphans.
The children of the soldiers who were left behind will live a life of oppression and call “military-dog-son….. military-dog-daughter”.
In this situation, the generals, who believe “Army is the only father, Army is the only mother “, are just focusing to their properties,pension,savings and life insurance money rather than to help their fellow soldiers’ families, even these are not sure to get in this situation.
So, who is writing this propaganda? Propaganda writings and propaganda newspapers are regularly distributed by KaKaPyi. So, as written above, the lives of soldiers and their wives who are not accepted by the public are not easy to fight risking their lives.
If you study the wars in the whole country, did the military junta won the battles in the northen Shan State?About city capture battles in Rakhine,you can only heard military junta are losing.Now Kachin and Karen are on the offensive rage. 80 percent of Karenni and Chin states have become military-free areas. The sallies that have suddenly attacked Sagaing and Magwe(Anya regions) including Mandalay Region(central myanmar)and Bago(lower myanmar) are still at a good pace.
So the soldiers who refused the hand that was offered are trapped. The last way out for soldiers and wives in the army whose exits were closed is to show the white flag and surrender. If you follow KaKaPyi’s propaganda,”Until there is a bullet left…I will be by your side……”, then your family members, soldiers’ children,can only end up with the lives of “military-dog-son…military-dog-daughter”……